Sunday, October 10, 2010

Vic Zhou

Meteor Garden was based from a Japanese manga (comics) “Boys Are Prettier Than Flowers” by Yoko Kamio.

Vic Zhou was 19 and a Mechanical Engineering student at a Taiwanese Technical Institute when his parents got divorced.

When Vic was releasing his first solo album, F3 said they wouldn’t attend the event. But in the end they showed up. Vic was moved to the extent that he had tears in his eyes.

If Vic has a mysterious character on Meteor Garden, off-camera he’s humorous (a personality that he got from his Mother). There are also times when he’s serious (a personality that he’s got from his Father).

There’s this scene (on Meteor Garden) at Okinawa beach where Vic and Barbie were hugging for quite a while. The director didn’t know that Vic’s eyelids got caught on Barbie’s bra strap. Though Vic was in pain, he just tried to ignore it until the whole scene ended. Barbie together with F3 laughed when Vic told them the whole thing.

Vic never really thought of auditioning for Meteor Garden. He just helped his friend to audition but the producer caught Vic and thought that he’s the right character that they’ve been looking for. Vic refused at first because he didn’t want his friend to get hurt. In person, Vic is almost like Hua Ze Lei (his role on Meteor Garden). A good person with a good heart, and a loving friend to Shan Cai.

Vic is the youngest F4 member. He’s the baby of the group =). He’s usually spoiled by the F3. When Vic gets bored on the Meteor Garden shoot, Jerry lends his cellphone to Vic and lets him play with it.

Vic loves to sleep. When he’s tired, he likes to sleep for a t least 10 hours. And guess what happens when he gets dead tired… He cries.

Vic’s nickname is Zai-Zai. A name given by his grandmother. Once when they were performing on a concert, Vic was singing the song “Ai Zai Ai Ni”. Jerry playfully changed the lyrics to “Zai-Zai ai ni”.

Vic will never forget the time when he was in high school. He was rejected by the girl he likes.

Vic has a big crush on Barbie’s younger sister, Xiao Si.

Vic and Barbie became close during the shoot of Meteor Garden because Barbie helped Vic understand some Chinese words that he doesn’t know.

Vic blushed and was overwhelmed when a two-year-old girl came up to him and held his hand telling him that when she grows up, she wants to marry him.

Vic is the only one that could make Jerry laugh.

When Vic’s got time to rest, if he’s not playing computer games, he’s either eating or sleeping.

Some overzealous fans and paparazzi’s caused Zai-Zai some trouble on his school. Not only will they chase him up to his gate, but some fans even run into his classroom. So he decided to transfer from his school.

Though Zai-Zai is super busy now, he still continues his studies. When Zai-Zai swithced his school, rumors went wild on the students about an F4 member studying in their school. Which resulted students looking for him in his classroom, leaving messages for him, carving love confession on his table that makes him quite embarassed.

Some fans would swarm to his school and whenever they spot him without any bodygurd with him, they would rush up to him and grab his hands. Some fans would even pass camera’s to Zai-Zai’s classmates and ask them to take a picture of him while he’s studying. And again, Zai-Zai decided to switch school.

His fans adoration is too much. When he casually say something, it gets his fans attention. Like there was this one time when he was just casually singing this “Doramon” song or the “QOO” song, fans started giving him presents that has something to do with Doraemon or Qoo.

Among F4 members, Vic’s fans seems to be the most obsessed and extreme. There was one time when a fan from Singapore called a radio station and claimed to be Vic’s wife.

Fans always hit his head or pinch his face which he cannot stand the most. Everytime he appears, the crowd gets wild and his head suffers the most. He even told F3 that if he’ll ever leave the music industry one day, it’s because he doesn’t want to get his head hurt.

July 2002 when Vic had to quit school due to his loaded schedule.

During a concert at Guangzhou on a Saturday, Vic was so tired that he actully fell on his knees while doing some steps in the middle of performance. he was so weak that he couldn’t get up on his own and had to be helped by Ken. He kept his arm around Vic to support him.

Vic Zhou

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