Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Vic Zhou Promotes Film at Patty’s Show

Vic Zhou 周渝民 is currently busy with promoting his new film 爱你一万年 (literally translates to Loving You for Ten Thousand Years). He and his Japanese heroine went ton Patty Hou’s 侯佩岑 daytime talk show “AZIO” as guests. Patty was Vic’s leading lady in “Sweet Relationship”. She teased Vic relentlessly and said Vic was her first onscreen kiss. Patty also talked about Vic’s eccentricities. “He hides during filming and hardly speaks to anyone. But when it comes to kissing scene time, he would go to your dressing room and start becoming chatty. He’ll chat about anything from his personality, family background to this F4 days”.

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